Research Christian Apologetics Using
the Apologia Archive

Access all our content in a single database. The Apologia Report back issue collection and years of AR-talk discussions are available in our archive database. This peer-to-peer resource for career apologists and all who study the defense of the Christian faith was created to allow full text searching of our content.

You can search through all of Apologia Report's back issues for summaries of articles that relate to your specific topic of interest. You can find answers to your questions in many areas of Christian apologetics in the discussions of the apologists who belong to the AR-talk community saved and stored in the Apologia Archive.

This database is a good place to come for anyone interested in training for the defense of the Christian faith. The list of topics (found in the Archive navigation pane in every page view) will give you an idea of what you can expect to find in the Apologia Archive.

Use this link to begin your search of the Apologia Archive.


Kay LoeberKay Loeber is responsible for doing much of the work involved in preparing the content for online viewing in the Apologia Archive. She edits the original documents from AR-talk. She also posts each new issue of Apologia Report to the archive. Kay is a great blessing to this ministry and much appreciated. She has a Masters in Library Science from Emporia State University.